A new Green’s theorem deghosting method that simultaneously: (1) avoids a finite difference approximation for the normal derivative of the pressure and, (2) avoids the need for replacing the normal derivative of pressure with the vertical component of particle velocity, thereby avoiding issues that can arise within each of those two assumptions/approaches: theory and analytic and numeric examples
A.B. Weglein, H. Liang, J. Wu, J.D. Mayhan, L. Tang and L. Amundsen
The effect of signal-to-noise ratio on ground roll attenuation using adaptive singular value decomposition: a case study from the south west of Iran
S.A. Mortazavi and A. Javaherian
Full waveform inversion of reflected seismic data
S. Xu, F. Chen, G. Lambaré and Y. Zhang
Prediction of gas outburst in a coalmine based on simultaneous prestack seismic inversion: a case study in China
J. Li, R. Cui, D. Pan, S. Chen, M. Hu and X. Zhao
Acoustic multi-source full waveform inversion with deblurring
G. Zhan, W. Dai, C. Boonyasiriwat and G.T. Schuster
Nearly perfectly matched layer boundary condition for second-order anisotropic acoustic wave equations
C. Ozsoy, J. Chen, Q. Zhang, J. Zhao and G. Metin