Time domain full waveform inversion using a time-window and Huber function norm
M. Son, Y. Kim, C. Shin and D.-J. Min
Gas hydrate detection in the Iranian sector of the Oman Sea: application of AVO and seismic pattern recognition methods
M. Sarmadi Doost, F. Erfani, H. Hashemi, M. Sokooti and M. Sadiq-Arabani
Wavelet frame based seismic attributes extraction using a filtering scheme
P. Wang and J. Gao
Velocity analysis by focal transform
S. Torabi, A. Javaherian and M. Nabi-Bidhendi
Green’s theorem deghosting algorithms in (k,omega) (e.g., P-Vz deghosting) as a special case of (x,omega) algorithms (based on Green’s theorem) with: (1) significant practical advantages and disadvantages of algorithms in each domain, and (2) a new message, implication and opportunity for marine towed streamer, ocean bottom and on-shore acquisition and applications
A.B. Weglein, J.D. Mayhan, L. Amundsen, H. Liang, J. Wu, L. Tang, Y. Luo and Q. Fu