Seismic full-waveform inversion using decomposed P-wavefield
S.Y. Kim, W.K. Chung, S.R. Shin and D.W. Lee
Time-frequency analysis of seismic data for the characterization of geologic structures via synchro-extracting transform
Z. Li, J.H. Gao, Z.G. Wang, N.H. Liu and F.Y. Sun
Numerical simulation in a wave tank filled with sand
M. Alajmi, J.M. Carcione, A.N. Qadrouh and J. Ba
Spectral decomposition and AVO-based amplitude decomposition: a comparative study and application
M. Farfour, W.J. Yoon, S. Gaci and N. Ouabed
An accurate method of calculating the gradients of seismic wave reflection coefficients to rock properties in transversely isotropic media
Y. Bao, J. Chen and X.B. Liu
Application of phase locking for separation of upgoing and downgoing waves in VSP data
H. Hashemi