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Publishers of:

- Journal of Seismic Exploration
- Journal of Carbon Capture and Storage
- Seismic Applications book series




M. Nafi Toksöz (Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.)
Arthur B. Weglein (Houston, TX, U.S.A.)


L. Amundsen 

(Trondheim, Norway) 

J. Ba 

(Nanjing, P.R. China) 

J.M. Carcione 

(Trieste, Italy) 

J. Chen

(Tulsa, OK, U.S.A.) 

Y.K. Chen 

(Oak Ridge, TN, U.S.A.) 

W.K. Chung 

(Busan, South Korea) 

P.F. Daley 

(Calgary, AB, Canada)

E. Filpo 

(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 

L.Y. Fu

(Qingdao, P.R. China)

B. Gurevich 

(Perth, Australia)

W. Ha 

(Busan, South Korea) 

H. Hashemi

(Tehran, Iran)

T. Hertweck 

(Karlsruhe, Germany) 

L.T. Ikelle 

(Bryan, TX, U.S.A.) 

M. Jacobsen 

(Bergen, Norway) 

E. Landa 

(Tel Aviv, Israel) 

L.R. Lines 

(Calgary, AB, Canada)

J.E. Lira 

(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 

E. Liu 

(Houston, TX, U.S.A.) 

C. Ma 

(Houston, TX, U.S.A.) 

R. Marschall (Hannover, Germany)

F. Poletto 

(Trieste, Italy) 

M.D. Sacchi 

(Edmonton, AB, Canada) 

M.K. Sen 

(Austin, TX, U.S.A.) 

G. Rubino 

(Bariloche, Argentina)

W. Söllner 

(Oslo, Norway)

P.L. Stoffa 

(Austin, TX, U.S.A.)

L. Thomsen 

(Houston, TX, U.S.A.)

I. Tsvankin 

(Golden, CO, U.S.A.)

D.J. Verschuur 

(Delft, Netherlands)

J. Wu

(Houston, TX, U.S.A.) 

J. Zhang 

(Houston, TX, U.S.A.)

L. Zhang 

(Delft, Netherlands) 


The Journal of Seismic Exploration is an international medium for the publication of research in seismic modeling, processing, inversion, interpretation, field techniques, borehole techniques, tomography, instrumentation and software.


Short publication time, high scientific level, easily readable and concise papers are the main objectives. This will be achieved by fast review and fast publication.

Submission of papers

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts, preferably as PDF or WORD files, to: jse@geophysical-press.com.

THERE IS NO PAGE CHARGE. Authors receive a free PDF of their paper, instead of reprints.


The 2023 subscription price of the print edition is GBP 990, postage included. The price of the online edition is GBP 1280, the price of the online + print subscription is GBP 1520, postage included. Online access will be through IP Authentication, in printable PDFs, and goes back to 2009. In 2023, Vol. 32 will be published in 600 pages. Subscriptions will be continued automatically, unless cancelled before December 1, 2023.
Orders should be sent to:

Geophysical Press Ltd., Subscription Dept.

Urb. Los Flamingos, Tee 6
29679 Benahavis, Spain

E-mail: sales@geophysical-press.com , www.geophysical-press.com


Full page rate is £300.00/US$550.00. For colour add £50.00/US$95.00 per colour.


Geophysical Press Ltd., Advertising Dept.,
Urb. Los Flamingos, Tee 6
29679 Benahavis, Spain

E-mail: jse@geophysical-press.com


A new publication titled Journal of Carbon Capture and Storage will soon be available to distribute technical information to people interested in carbon sequestration. The first issue of this journal will appear in the first quarter of 2024. Following issues will then be published on a quarterly basis by Geophysical Press Ltd, Benahavis, Spain.
An Editorial Board of 14 well-qualified geoscientists and engineers has been established for proper peer review of material that is submitted for publication. The Editor-in-Chief is Dr. Bob Hardage who has served 6 years on the SEG Executive Committee, with two of those years being Editor of SEG Publications. If you are interested in joining the Editorial Board of this new journal, contact bob.hardage@utexas.edu.
We seek manuscripts that deal with any pertinent issue related to carbon capture, or to permanent geological storage of carbon, or to transportation of CO2 from point-of-capture to point-of-storage.
Manuscripts intended for publication can be sent to jccs@geophysical-press.com Text and graphics must be in either PDF or WORD formats. If you wish to have a paper in the first issue, material for your manuscript must be received before the end of October 2023.


Bob A. Hardage, Toledo, OH, U.S.A.


Paul Anderson (OXY) Houston, Texas
Andrey Bakulin Saudi Arabia
Tom Bratton Denver, Colorado
 Brett Bunn Houston, Texas
Mohammed Hussainali Houston, Texas
Kue-Young Kim (KIGAM) South Korea
George Knapo Houston, Texas
Matt McChesney Houston, Texas
Roman Pevzner Curtain University, Australia
Jie Qi Houston, Texas
Steve Roche Tulsa, Oklahoma
Sarah Saltzer Stanford University, California
James Simmons Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado
Richard Van Dok Denver, Colorado

JCCS Subscriptions

The 2024 subscription price of the print edition is GBP 640, postage included. The price of the online edition is GBP 790, the price of the online + print subscription is GBP 940, postage included. Online access will be through IP Authentication, in printable PDFs. In 2024, Vol. 1 will be published in 400 pages.











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